From left to right:

Katharina Hellwig
Technical assistant, the laughing heart of the lab

Dr. rer. nat. Katja ZscheppangPubMed
Biologist with emphasis in lung biology and viral infections

Keerthana Ravendraan
Bachelor student in biology

Iris von Wunsch-Rolshoven Teruel
Medical doctoral student working on cellular effects of pneumolysin

Dr. rer. nat. Andreas NerlichPubMed
Biologist and specialist in high-end microscopy

Prof. Dr. med. Andreas C. Hocke (M.Sc.)PubMed
Group leader – fon: +49 (0)30 – 450 553477

Dr. rer. nat. Diana FatykhovaPubMed
Microbiologist with emphasis on bacterial human lung infections

Eva Pappe
Medical doctoral student working on influenza induced cell death

Dr. rer. nat. Maren MiethPubMed
Lab leader, biochemist and specialist for molecular biology