From left to right:
Katharina Hellwig
Technical assistant, the laughing heart of the lab
Dr. rer. nat. Katja Zscheppang – PubMed
Biologist with emphasis in lung biology and viral infections
Keerthana Ravendraan
Bachelor student in biology
Iris von Wunsch-Rolshoven Teruel
Medical doctoral student working on cellular effects of pneumolysin
Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Nerlich – PubMed
Biologist and specialist in high-end microscopy
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas C. Hocke (M.Sc.) – PubMed
Group leader – fon: +49 (0)30 – 450 553477
Dr. rer. nat. Diana Fatykhova – PubMed
Microbiologist with emphasis on bacterial human lung infections
Eva Pappe
Medical doctoral student working on influenza induced cell death
Dr. rer. nat. Maren Mieth – PubMed
Lab leader, biochemist and specialist for molecular biology